University of Surrey MSc Psychology | OnlineUniversity of Surrey MSc Psychology | OnlineUniversity of Surrey MSc Psychology | Online

This online masters course will equip you with highly transferable skills in statistics, applied research methods and a broad range of psychology topics. In the future, you will be able to apply your expertise in industries such as human resources, marketing, policymaking and education.This online masters course will equip you with highly transferable skills in statistics, applied research methods and a broad range of psychology topics. In the future, you will be able to apply your expertise in industries such as human resources, marketing, policymaking and education.This online masters course will equip you with highly transferable skills in statistics, applied research methods and a broad range of psychology topics. In the future, you will be able to apply your expertise in industries such as human resources, marketing, policymaking and education.

  • Top-20 ranking – The University of Surrey is ranked in the top 20 best universities for psychology in the UK for 2024 by the Complete University Guide.1
  • Research-informed teaching – Our lecturers are active researchers in behavioural, cognitive, developmental, personality and social psychology.
  • BPS-accreditation The MSc curriculum is now accredited with the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Strengthen your psychology and research skills

The online MSc Psychology course from the University of Surrey will equip you with highly transferable skills in applied research methods, statistics and a variety of key psychology topics. 

Learn from lecturers who are active researchers in biological, cognitive, developmental, personality, environmental and social psychology, as you prepare to embark on your dissertation. You will complete this original research project – which integrates your course learnings and enhances your employability – under the guidance of an experienced dissertation advisor.


The University of Surrey is ranked in the top 20 best universities for psychology in the UK for 2024.1

24-month course

Our course is designed to equip you with psychology and research expertise in as few as 24 months part time.

No test scores required

Our holistic approach to reviewing applications means we value more than just test scores.2

No application fee

Surrey is committed to providing accessible education pathways without application fees.

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This course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), the leading professional body for psychologists in the UK. This accreditation is a mark of quality that is recognised by employers and signifies that the course meets the rigorous standards set by the BPS.

Graduates of this accredited course will be eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC), which is the first step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist. This opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in psychology and related fields. The BPS accreditation ensures this course provides a high-quality learning experience and equips graduates with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in psychology.

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Online MSc Psychology admissions

University of Surrey seeks applicants who are eager to find unique ways to apply research and statistics expertise to their field.

Admissions highlights

  • Three start dates per year: September, February, June
  • No application fee required to apply
  • No standardised test scores required to apply

See admissions criteria and application requirements.

Next application deadline

The final deadline for June 2025 cohort is 23 April 2025.

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Curriculum: a generalist approach to psychology

The online MSc Psychology course will provide you with a foundation in statistics, applied research methods and all the central areas of contemporary psychology: developmental, personality, social, cognitive, biological and environmental. The MSc curriculum is now accredited with the British Psychological Society (BPS). Throughout the course you will build the theoretical and qualitative/quantitative methodological expertise to conduct psychological research within or outside of the formal field of psychology.

Nine Modules

180 credits total

One dissertation

Module descriptions

The course consists of 180 credits and is divided into nine fully autonomous credit-bearing modules.

  • This module covers the core psychology discipline of developmental psychology by introducing theories and empirical research. In this module, students will critically evaluate empirical research and theoretical knowledge relevant to developmental psychology. Students will gain insight into how children develop from birth to late adolescence covering key topics in social, emotional, language and cognitive development. 

    One way students will engage in critical evaluation is to examine whether previous work is cross-culturally valid. Students will demonstrate their breadth of knowledge through a multiple choice exam and develop their written communication skills through a report in which they will critically evaluate a topic.

  • This module covers the core psychology discipline of individual differences: the many and varied psychological ways in which humans differ from one another. Specifically, students will discuss and critically evaluate key issues of contemporary significance in the areas of personality, intelligence and psychopathology, synthesising them all together to form a broader understanding of the concept of individual differences as understood by contemporary psychologists.

    Students will also use these principles to better understand the individual differences present in students’ own lives. Students will write an essay that allows them to apply some of the key individual differences to a mental health issue of their choice, and critically evaluate their usefulness. This will develop and assess students’ independence, literature searching and critical thinking skills.

  • This module will introduce the major topics and issues within social psychology, a core psychology discipline. This will be done through a series of lectures and subject-based tutorials, which will provide students with an opportunity to integrate their developing knowledge of social psychology with practical academic skills relating to social research methods. Specifically, students will discuss and evaluate key issues in areas such as cognitive dissonance and attitude change, group processes, prejudice and discrimination and intergroup behaviour, all in relation to humans as social beings.

  • This module will provide an introduction to the major topics and issues within cognitive psychology. This will be done through a series of asynchronous and synchronous sessions, which will provide students with an opportunity to integrate their developing knowledge of cognitive psychology with academic skills relating to cognitive research methods. Specifically, students will discuss and evaluate key issues in the areas of language, memory, attention and thinking, all in relation to humans as processors of information.

  • The module introduces students to some of the key questions that currently guide research and practice in environmental psychology. The course addresses issues around global and local environmental problems facing our world today. It provides an insight into the psychology of environment-behaviour issues focusing on built (residential, work and public) and natural environments.

    The main focus of the module will be to provide an insight into the research and theory development to date and to familiarise students with the practical and multidisciplinary nature of the field. By the end of the course students should have an advanced understanding of the nature and scope of some of the principal theoretical and methodological developments in this area of research and an understanding of the application of psychological theory and concepts to an important area of everyday life.

  • The module introduces students to basic statistical theory and critical thinking, and then builds to more advanced data analysis skills. It aims to develop students’ understanding of statistical methods and foster the skills needed to think critically about psychological research. Teaching involves a combination of theory and practical sessions with real world research examples. 

    Content covers a specific statistics or critical thinking topic that is typically followed by guided learning focusing on applying and practising the theoretical content. Together, the module content provides knowledge of statistical analysis and critical thinking from both a theoretical and practical perspective, resulting in a good introduction and grounding in statistical research methods.

  • This module focuses on the organisation and function of the human nervous system, from the cells that form the brain and their fundamental functions, the processes by which those communicate, and the systems that allow us to sense and move. Students will cover relevant topics in the history of neuroscience and ethics, neuroanatomy, psychopharmacology, neurodevelopment, sensory systems and motor control and the biological causes of brain disorders.

    Seminars on research methods will provide students with an understanding of the tools available to measure and modulate brain function and an opportunity to develop teamwork skills. These sessions will aid students’ understanding of the theory and allow them to consolidate knowledge by engaging with quizzes and activities.

  • This module provides students with knowledge of designing research in a range of fields. The module will cover aspects of research design, including literature reviews, forming hypotheses and research questions, ethical conduct and study design. The focus will be on quantitative and qualitative methods. Students will be given a choice of topics in which they will develop an appropriate methodological approach to testing a question.

  • This module prepares students for conducting MSc level dissertation. Students will learn to identify a research question for their dissertation based on the empirical literature, write up background literature for a lay summary, identify how psychologists develop recruitment plans, plan an experimental design including which statistical tests to use, conduct a power analysis, consider risk assessments, discuss examples of sharing data by reviewing the Open Science Framework website and think about ethical considerations.

  • For this module, students will conduct their own piece of empirical research in an area of Psychology relevant for their masters course under supervision of a member of academic staff. For the assessment students will complete a quantitative research report of 6,000 words (maximum). Overall student workload: 300 hours. This includes 10 hours of tutor supervision, which includes meetings and feedback. 

    These hours will include development of theoretical framework, aims and hypotheses, recruiting samples, fieldwork and liaison with key personnel as appropriate, data recording and analysis, interpretation and writing up. Specific times for these subsections cannot be given as they vary from project to project.

Stand out in your field with psychology expertise

Prepare to conduct independent applied research and apply psychology expertise in your career. Learn more today.

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The online learning experience

A complex world calls for flexible learning designed for your needs. In the online MSc Psychology, you will find an intuitive platform, comprehensive support and top-notch education designed for real people with real lives.

  • Attend biweekly face-to-face classes, held on Zoom, that allow for rich discussion and debate with peers and faculty.
  • Complete interactive assignments, using a customisable platform that follows best practices for online learning. 
  • Access full-spectrum career services, including interview prep, one-on-one coaching, self-assessments and salary resources.
  • Connect with a student success advisor, who will serve as your dedicated partner throughout the course.

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Learn from expert teaching staff

At the University of Surrey, you will experience research-informed teaching and practical learning that will inspire and empower you for personal and professional success. Our accessible, supportive academics are active in their respective fields and bring their extensive experience to the online classroom.

In the MSc Psychology, you’ll learn from lecturers and teaching staff who are active researchers in behavioural, cognitive, developmental, personality and social psychology.

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Expand your career opportunities

The online MSc Psychology will equip you with psychology and applied research expertise that you will be able to apply in fields such as human resources, research and development, marketing, policymaking and education. You’ll graduate ready to conduct original research studies and gain critical insights from human behaviour.

It is important to note that this course does not lead to licensure. However, many of our postgraduates pursue additional study to further specialise or prepare for roles as clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, occupational psychologists, sport and exercise psychologists, counsellors and therapists. They work for NHS trusts, healthcare organisations and charities, among others.

Pursue further specialisation. Strengthen your CV.

Equip yourself with quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, creative problem-solving skills and applied research tools. Request information about our course today.

  1. University League Tables 2024: Psychology. (2024). Complete University Guide. Retrieved 28 March 2024. ↩︎
  2. Please note that this refers only to the application fee. Also, note that some applicants will be required to take an English language test to verify their English language proficiency. Please speak to your assigned admissions adviser about the course fees, financing plans, and whether or not you will have to take an English language test. You can also view the entry requirements and the fees and funding sections for more information. ↩︎